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Monday, May 23, 2011

Morning walk

Every morning when I wake up, I get dressed and take the dogs for a walk before breakfast. But first I have to lokate the cat and close him in the living room, or else he will come a long for the walk, and I'm afraid he will get hit by a car.
My daughters and I have one dog each, and we all live together. Depending on how they work, I will have one, two or three dogs with me for the walk.  To day Ninja went with her owner to the stables, while Yeela and Mira came with me.
The weather was lovely and the sky was clear. 
Our walk took us a long an old stone wall in an area where there are mostly summer cottages.
The fields are incredibly green!
In this field we sometimes see deer, but not today.
We went down an alley of old oak trees.
Then we crossed the main road and passed the local supermarket.
Before we came to the local stables.
All the horses where out, happily chewing their morning hay.
We followed a path into the woods.
Mira found a jump she wanted to try.
Yeela is checking out the brook.
We came out of the woods, overlooking another field.
Before we finally turned up our road again.
Our house is down the little hill.
Can you open the gate please?
One hour well spent, and I feel very privileged to be able to start my day like this. 
Now, back to studying!


  1. Så flotte bilder! Nå er jeg ikke noe hundemenneske, men hadde jeg hatt helst til å gå tur en time hver dag, skulle jeg sannelig vurdert å skaffe meg en!

  2. Takk for hyggelige kommentarer! Om kattene: De er mer eller mindre egenproduserte. De to eldste søstrene kom fra foreldrene mine som kattunger (på bestilling), og så skulle vi unne oss ett kull selv. Hadde løfte på å gi bort to, og kunne beholde to selv, så vi følte oss greit dekket. Katten fikk SEKS kattunger på første forsøk, alle som skulle ha, måtte trekke seg, og vi endte opp med tre av dem selv :)
