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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Low carb crisps (lavkarbo knekkebrød)

A couple of months a go I started eating LCHF (low carb high fat). After two months I have noticed several improvements in my physical well being. This way of eating means no bread, rice, pasta or potatoes because of the high contents of carbohydrates, but these low carb crisps only have 0.75 grams carb per crisp, and they taste good too! There are several recipes to be found on line, but as far as I know this particular recipe is original from me.
Bodil's Low carb crisps
(norwegian recipe in parentheses

200g linen seeds (200g linfrø)
100g sunflower seeds (100g solsikkefrø)
100g sesame seeds (100g sesamfrø)
50g wheat bran (50g kruskakli)
2tbs psyllium husk (2ss fiber husk)
1tsp salt (1 ts salt)
550 ml water (5,5 dl vann)

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, and divide the dough on two trays covered with baking paper. (I have bought reusable paper that works very well). 
Spread the dough thinly and put them to bake in a preheated oven 175 C. 
If you have a hot air oven you can bake both trays at the same time.
After 10 minutes, remove the crisps, and divide them into 16 pieces per tray (4x4) total 32. For this I use my pizza wheel but a knife will work too.
Put them back into the oven and bake until dry and crisp, about 45 minutes more, taking care not to overcook. 
It is important that they are baked untill they are completely dry, then they can be stored in an airtight container for weeks.
Tastes great with cheese!

1 comment:

  1. hei der! disse ser kjempegode ut, og er akkurat nå i ovnen og klargjør seg! Takk for oppskriften! Følger deg!:) mvh Renate
