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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Herringbone Cowl

For Christmas last year I knitted my two daughters and their cousin each a cowl in "Faerytale" from "Du Store Alpakka", a very light and fluffy yarn in 100% alpaca. I decided I wanted one for myself too but wanted to try something new for the pattern. Coincidentally the pirl bee published a pattern for a herringbone cowl, a technique that was new to me.
The cowl came out really nice, but looked a bit bland, so I used the left over yarn from the previous three cowls I had made, and crocheted up a whole lot of little flowers in two sizes.
I sewed them on to the cowl, and voila!
I felt this suited me better. I'm much more the flowery type than the herringbone type. 
The photo doesn't really do the colours justice.

Pattern: Big herringbone cowl from the Purl Bee
Yarn: Faerytale from Du Store Alpakka
Flowers: left over faerytale in this pattern from Drops Garnstudio

Comments: Although this yarn is really nice and soft, and will keep you warm, it tends to leave a trail on all your clothes, so choose your project with care. Now I don't only have to move dog-hair from my jacket, but alpaca-hair too!

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