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Monday, February 21, 2011

New Yarn

I had run out of yarn when crocheting the edge of my blanket, and had to buy some more at my favourite LYS. Also, I had spotted a beautiful hat, Maja, here that was lurking in the back of my head, so I thought I'd look for some yarn that would be suitable. Not to mention Turn A Square, a free download pattern from Brooklyn Tweed over at Ravelry. So I came back with this:
The brown delight is for the WIP afghan that I showed you here.

In my stash I have a huge amount of brown like the one shown above, bought at a yarn sale I came across last summer.
Perhaps these two will look nice for Turn A Square?
I also think the brown will look nice with this green for a hat like the Maja. Unfortunately there is no pattern yet, but I'm crossing my fingers that Johanne at Born to Knit will put one out soon.
 This is just to show you that not everything I make is brown or grey.
A scarf crocheted in a brick wall pattern from a single skein of Noro, crocheted from both ends of the skein untill it was empty. I borrowed the idea from Liselotte.
The view from my living room looks much better in sunshine.

Mopti, the gentleman to the left, and Malawi, the gentleman to the right, agrees.

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