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Monday, February 7, 2011

Felted grey socks

The other day when I was visiting my favourite yarn shop, "Strikkestua" in Son, the owner told me about this idea she got from one of her other devoted customers. The idea was, that if you use a sock yarn with a high percentage of wool, 80%, you could knit strong durable socks, felt them in the the washing machine, and the result would be incredibly warm, soft, dense socks, a feature I consider a necessity to survive the norwegian winter! So I decided to try. 

Before felting

After felting

I was very pleased with the result! The socks are incredibly warm and comfortable to wear. Time will show the durability.

Details "raggsokker":
Yarn: tresko 3-ply from SandnesGarn, 80% wool, 20% nylon/polyamid
Size "dame"
Pattern found on the inside of yarnlabel.
Felted in washing machine: 40 degrees Celcius, with "grønnsåpe". Note: should be turned inside out before felting, gives an incredible soft texture against your foot.

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