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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Brick wall scarf 1 and 2

I found the super macro button on my camera. These flowers are tiny, but beautiful.
These days I'm finishing a lot of WIP's.
Previously, I crocheted a brick wall scarf using a single skein of Noro Kureyon sock yarn, a gift from my boyfriend.
I crocheted from both ends of the skein, untill all the yarn was used.
Ravelled here.
Recently I got a hold of one skein of Drops delight, in a beautiful bright blue, and decided to combine it with a Noro kureyon in rather muted grey and brown colours.
The blue reminds me of the shiny colours of a scarab beetle. 
I crocheted until the 50 gram skein of delight was finished, using about 27 grams of the Noro for contrast. I wet blocked it quite aggressively to stretch it out to scarf-length.
Ravelled here.
Yeela sais she knew about the super macro all allong.

1 comment:

  1. Lurer på hvorfor Google-readeren min ikke har fortalt meg om denne posten? Den henger litt etter, av og til, tror jeg...

    To flotte skjerf, morsomt hvor forskjellige de blir med samme teknikk. Skarabeer minner meg alltid om Tordivelen flyr i skumringen, som var i overkant skummelt som hørespill, syntes jeg da den gikk på barnetimen.

    Fantastisk med supermakro :D Fortsatt god helg!
