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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Schools out!

I counted my school books the other day. 62. Sixty two. That's what I've been reading the last three years.
Now all the exams are done and passed, and we have had our last student party.
Yesterday I went to "Reveenka", a store for used books in Lillestrøm, and loaded up on new (old) books. I also borrowed books from a friend. All nice and easy summer reading!
Whenever I'm in Lillestrøm, I also go to "Mauds garn". This time I found some beautiful buttons I think will go well with the Cumulus I'm knitting. They really look cumulus too, don't they?
I also found this beautiful button, I think I'll have to knit a Virvelstroem to go with it :)
Last but not least and first things first: Jo Nesbø's latest book was released on thursday!
Malawi says; let the reading start!
What is your favourite summer read?

1 comment:

  1. Gratulerer med ferdig utdannelse! Deilig å kunne lese andre bøker igjen, tenker jeg :) Jeg leser mest ungdomsbøker om igjen for tida, og om sommeren må jeg lese Anne fra Bjørkely. Reveenka høres spennende ut, der må jeg innom neste gang jeg er i Lillestrøm. Og maud's er det vanskelig å komme utenom... Flott fangst!
