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Monday, July 11, 2011


My Cumulus finally got dry so I could wear it and take pictures. My guestroom/sewingroom/yarnstashroom as been smelling like wet sheep for days while it has been drying flat on the bed in there.
Malawi is making sure we are doing it right.
I must say this was a very nice knit, once I got the yarn right. The pattern is from Annette Danielsen's book "Strik Naturligvis", a book full of nice knitable designs! And her patterns are very easy to follow, with new and exciting constructions, with a minimum of stitching at the end. We like that, don't we?
Here you start by knitting the braid across the shoulders, before you pick up stitches and continue knitting down the body, leaving stitches for the sleeves on hold.
 I was very happy when I found the buttons for this jacket.
They even look like something called "Cumulus", those buttons :)
Pattern: Cumulus by Annette Danielsen from Strik Naturligvis
Yarn: Two strands Drops alpaca and one strand Sandnes Tove, knit together.
Needles: 7mm
Ravelled here.
Here are some photos of the vest from this blog post, now with me in it so you can see how it looks with a person :) Mira and Yeela wants you to know how the vest looks next to a dog.
I've started another project from Strik Naturligvis. Årringe. That is, I've started another project again. The first time I started it, I joined to knit in the round and managed to twist it. Not only one twist, but two! And I didn't realise it before I had done several rounds! Very annoying. So now I've started it again, this time knitting back and forth a couple of rows before I join to knit in the round. When I finally get going with it, it will be my mindless summer cotton knit. (With a little bit of gold to sparkle things up a bit)
My not so mindless silk blend summer knit is coming along fine. Just over halfway on the edging for the Rock Island shawl. You can see the stitch marker there. That's my halfway mark.
This morning I saved a tiny bird from the cat. He had brought it inside, and it was sitting on the bed in my guestroom/sewingroom/yarnstashroom, looking terrified, and the cat lurking next to it, just waiting for the bird to make a run for it so he could catch it again. It was a good thing I had already moved the cumulus from the bed! I took the bird and carried it outside, and locked the cat up, giving the bird a cance to catch his breath before it went on it's way again. The bird left these feathers behind. I hope he made it through and has learned to stay away from cats.
Up to now I have been blogging in English, but I'm thinking of going Norwegian in here. Most of my readers seems to be Norwegian, at least they are the ones leaving comments. So unless I have some silent english-speaking readers who would like for me to continue in english (now is your chance to speak up and let your voice be heard) the next post will be in Norwegian :)


  1. Flott cumulus! Likte konstruksjonen med fletta rundt salen. Og linvesten er enda finere på deg enn på hengeren - og selvfølgelig ekstra fin sammen med hund :)

    Håper pippen klarte seg, vi hadde en sittende på verandaen forrige dagen etter å ha flydd på vinduet. Heldigvis sov alle kattene, så den fikk komme seg i fred og fløy av gårde etter en stund. De kattene kommer inn med, er som regel så skamfert at det er bedre om de ikke overlever... Det er virkelig det eneste jeg ikke liker med å ha katt.

    Jeg har for øvrig vurdert å bytte til engelsk fra norsk - ikke at jeg har så mange utenlandske lesere, tror jeg, men det hadde jo vært morsomt å ha? men det er vel fortsatt mange som synes det er vanskelig å lese på engelsk, så enn så lenge fortsetter jeg på norsk.

  2. PS: Og Caruso er oppkalt etter den italienske operasangeren som var så glad i mat. Men han likner litt på David Caruso også, det er helt sikkert, når han setter seg vel senga og kikker bedende på meg. Han heter for øvrig Jake Caruso, og er også oppkalt etter Jake Blues i Blues Brothers. Som også har ekstremt bedende øyne og god stemme.

  3. Utrolig nydelig jakke du har laget! Artig konstruksjon med flette øverst. Tror jeg må snuse litt på den boka. Kanten på Rock Island var seig synes jeg, mye greiere når hele sjalet er på pinnene.

    Nå er linvesten min ferdig og blogget, men jeg ble ikke helt fornøyd.

    Ha en fortsatt fin uke! :)

  4. Kjempeflott jakke!Litt av et prosjekt å strikke nå på sommeren - eller - det har vel egentlig vært fint vær til sånn strikking:-)

    Ønsker deg en fin uke!

    Hilsen Nina
